Interviewing Barbara and Steven Carr

Hermione Lu (16) interviews family friends Barbara Carr (72) and Steven Carr (75) about growing up in San Diego and their life when Steven was drafted and joined the Coast Guard.

Life as a first generation immigrant

My mother and I discuss what life was for her as a first generation immigrant from Greece. By looking back on her life and childhood.

WY students Reflect on their Experiences in High School

WY Students Britney D and Aster B take time to reflect on experiences in Whitney Young and how it has affected them in their high school journey.

Elayna and Heather Klug

In this interview, I learned about my mom's life growing up under unfortunate circumstances and how she got to where she is now. We talked about the importance of community, working hard to make a life for yourself, and how...

Baby Mine

Mother and daughter Simone (36) and Leticia (17) have a conversation about multiple topics regarding their upbringing and struggles