Ben Iungerich

My name is Jack Warren, and I am a 38 year old Commercial Photography student. I interviewed Ben Iungerich, 21 years old, on the 17th of March, 2023. I met Ben for the interview and to make an environmental portrait...

My husband, Collin.

This is about my husband’s life including his childhood, teenage years in bands, his work life in IT, remembering relatives and a great friend that passed on, being agnostic, our friendship turned to love and advice for others. Interviewer: Cynthia...

Rachel Delgado and Cynthia Rodriguez-Martinez

Friends and colleagues Rachel Delgado (73) and Cynthia "Cindy" Rodriguez-Martinez (70) talk about Seniors In Play, storytelling, their passions, their upbringings, and their childhood memories in San Antonio, Texas.

BIOL 1033

Jessica Lucio talks about her childhood and family life.

thanksgiving interview

i talked about her life and childhood and how things affected her etc. She was really great about keeping eye contact. She was able to answer most of the question.

My grandmas life and loved ones

Linda Mcclung, my grandma, who is 66 years old, discussed with me a multitude of topics. This including her inspiring Great Aunt, very old and so,e what newer traditions, her life growing up, and her past dreams of her future!