My Mater, My Muse

Eileen Zanardi and her oldest daughter, Stephanie Zanardi, converse about some of their shared loves: dancing, art and interior design, and books.

Jack Middleton Interviews His Mother About Her Childhood and Family History

Jack Middleton (16) interviews his mother, Kimberly Pearish (50) about her childhood and growing up around rural Missouri and how she lived when most areas around her were cut off, and her transition to the city life in Joplin. She...

Paulette Terwilliger shares her family's account of surviving the Holocaust in occupied France

Paulette Terwilliger (nee Paulette Forst) was born to a young Jewish couple in France during the height of World War II. Now a resident of Fearrington Village, she spoke with fellow resident John Eckblad about her family’s wartime experience. In...

Middle School in the 90s

Otis Johnson (Age 11), a current 7th grader, asks his father Jeremy Johnson (Age 41) what middle school was like for him. Witness the challenges and the fun of what middle school was like in the 90s.

Interview with my Grandma, Linda

She talked about her attempts in Vietnam to escape the Communists, her struggles as a single mother in America, and her toxic ex-husband.

Covid-19 pandemic interview

My mom talked about her personal experience with covid-19. I got to learn what she really thought about all of it.