Christopher Williams and Delilah Righter

Christopher Williams Sr. (61) and his interview partner Delilah Righter (25) discuss Christopher's childhood in Alabama, his experiences in elementary school during desegregation, and his perspective on the health and wellbeing of the Africatown community.

The Ministry of Reconciliation with Derona

As America's Covid-19 cases continue to multiply, the virus exposes inequity throughout our society and claims a disproportionate number of black lives. Citizen Advocate, Derona King is healing racial trauma by promoting good health and nutritional wellness with Zilphy's Garden...

Fighting for neighborhood equity in the Tenth Street Historic District, a Freedman’s Town

Ms. Cox, President of the Tenth Street Residential Association, shares her memories and an urgent message to preserve the neighborhood. The Tenth Street Historic District is one of the few Freedman's towns left in the City of Dallas.

Neighborhood Equity and Latino Urbanism in Dallas, TX

A discussion about the Latino experience in Dallas, TX, small business owners and the threat of housing displacement in Oak Cliff neighborhoods with Jennifer Rangel, urban planner and author of "A Geographical Examination of Urban Planning - Oak Cliff as...