Caleb (20) and Jalen (20)

I talked to Jalen about growing up in America in a Bi-racial family with a White father and Black mother. he also shares his experiences playing baseball as a black athlete and how he has grown into the young man...

John O'Connor and Jeff Guy

One Small Step conversation partners John O'Connor (74) and Jeff Guy (55) discover they share a similar philosophy to life even as they hold different political views in their discussion of religion, reading history books, political leaders, their relationships and...

Lucretia Cushman Peterson

Lucretia talks about growing up in Kansas, her family, and the importance of loving and accepting others regardless of race or religion.

Lucretia Cushman Peterson

Lucretia talks about growing up in Kansas, her family, and the importance of loving and accepting others regardless of race or religion

Nana and Papa’s Life

I (Cora, 15) interviewed my mother’s parents, Nana (Bonnie, 70) and Papa (John, 70). They talked about their time growing up as well as raising my mother.

Conversation with Kevin Christie, United States Army Veteran

I had a conversation with Sergeant Christie about his service in the Army and service in Kansas, Germany, Sarajevo, Bosnia, and Afghanistan. We discussed his initial experiences in boot camp and fond memories of working with his comrades. Sergeant Christie...

Great Grandmas Trip to Japan

Helen Jean Eli, age 85, who lives in Kansas, discusses her experience with nursing and her unplanned but exciting trip to Japan.

Vanessa Schoon Smith and Heather Brownlie

One Small Step partners Vanessa Schoon Smith (45) and Heather Brownlie (50) discuss the assumptions people make about them, political extremism drowning out moderatism, social media encouraging divisiveness, and their hopes for the future.

My favorite neighbor

I’m interviewing my neighbor Kelly Cronin. I’m asking her about her life. Her favorite memories.