Interview of a 69 year old

I choose to not name him, but my dad who is 61, discusses the Cold War and his perspective on events.

Interview about WWII and JFK – 05-27-2024

Sue dicusses her childhood, stories of her father who was in WWII, and her experience with JFK as president.

APUSH assaignment

Mother and son talk about how 9/11 impacted America

1960s Oral History Interview With Bob Rottmann

Ana Rottmann (17) and Bob Rottmann (83) discuss his experience through the 1960s, and what it was like living through historical events including the Vietnam War, the assassinations of JFK and MLK Jr., the moon landing, and more.

John and Carol Lee Hawkins talk about their experiences in the 60's with civil rights and vietnam war.

Carol lee Hawkins (78) and John Hawkins (78) talk about their experiences in the 60s and their views of civil rights and the Vietnam war.