9/11 interview w/ Mrs. Winkle

student Rowan Blair interviews teacher Mrs. Winkle about her experiences with 9/11.

Recording – 05-29-2024 21:24:44

Lydia Belete (17) interviews Micheal Belete (58) about his recollection of 9/11

The Nuclear Side of 9/11

My grandpa (David Jones) talks about the nuclear aspects of 9/11 and his experience with Homeland security, along with many different details about the advancement of technology related to nuclear products after 9/11.

9/11 from my dad’s point of view

Rebecca(19) interviews Larry(59) about where he was and how did it affect him.

APUSH assaignment

Mother and son talk about how 9/11 impacted America

Interview of a Father and his 9/11 experience

My name is Maya Meltzer. I will be speaking with my father, Robert Meltzer, about his experience of the September 11th terrorist attack.