9/11 interview w/ Mrs. Winkle

student Rowan Blair interviews teacher Mrs. Winkle about her experiences with 9/11.

Recording – 05-29-2024 21:24:44

Lydia Belete (17) interviews Micheal Belete (58) about his recollection of 9/11

The Nuclear Side of 9/11

My grandpa (David Jones) talks about the nuclear aspects of 9/11 and his experience with Homeland security, along with many different details about the advancement of technology related to nuclear products after 9/11.

9/11 from my dad’s point of view

Rebecca(19) interviews Larry(59) about where he was and how did it affect him.

Mateo Gardella- Career in Sports Marketing and Media

Mateo explains his journey through Full Sail and how he’s learned so much through work opportunities with college and high school!

APUSH assaignment

Mother and son talk about how 9/11 impacted America