William Miller 2023 Jan 13

My wife Jennifer and I came down to Irvine for a visit and to do this interview.

The Struggles of Immigrating to A New Country

Brandon Marina: 2022-12-01 06:38:43 This is an interview of me and my mom and the story of how they immigrated and the struggles they faced. My hope is that anyone watching can see that it is possible and you too...

Advice to Future Generations – Tazin Yunis

Zaid Yunis (16) interviews his mother, Tazin Yunis (50) about her upbringing and the lessons she has learned throughout her life. She gives advice to him as well as future generations about preserving her family's sacrifice

Christopher Hernandez & Pricilla Garcia

Christopher Hernandez's interview with Pricilla Garcia, a single mother, and beloved former sister-in-law where they discuss how she puts on a smile while talking about the good, bad, and hope in life.


Painting a picture of my mother’s life and our relationship as mother and daughter.

Sarah Kasman of Shanti OC

Sarah shares how she became involved and eventually led one of the most meaningful HIV and AIDS services organizations in Laguna Beach and Orange County

Valentines Interview with Jenny, 2018

Chris Barton interviews Jennifer Ziegler Barton for Valentines Day. Dog Ernie growls at something unseen in kitchen throughout.