Erika F. and Erika K. discuss the concept of Localization

Erika Frondorf and Erika Kinninger discussed the eventual transition of our society. Localization is what we believe our future will transition to as energy and resources descent occurs. We explain the project we created and how it applies to the...

Iulia Dobrin reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Iulia talks about some of her biggest takeaways from the semester and how she foresees herself applying them to her future aspirations.

Brian Goetz reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Brian answers interview questions about his time and takeaways from Psych 362. Topics covered include: behavioral inertia, moral foundation theory, informational models, and the importance of procedural knowledge accompanying calls to action.

Spencer Klein reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Spencer Klein discusses what he learned during his semester-long class titled "Psychology of Environmental Stewardship." He connects the concepts he has learned with a potential career he wants to pursue.

Jordan Reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

I take some time to reflect on the course, Psychology of Environmental Stewardship taught by Dr. De Young at the University of Michigan's School for the Environment and Sustainability. I talk about my main take-aways from the course like the...

Anna Reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Anna describes the importance of future-oriented behavior change approaches that center autonomy, eudaemonic well-being, and frugality. She discusses storytelling as a powerful envisioning tool, the additive benefits of the Supportive Environments for Effectiveness model, and the appropriate role of experts.

Mackenzie reflects on Psychology of Environmental Stewardship

Mackenzie, a junior in Program in the Environment and Organizational Studies reflects on the most salient and meaningful concepts learned throughout the semester of ENVIRON 360/PSYCH 361. She also reflects on the effects that the topics have had on her...

Lia Twigg and Lindsay Magid Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency and Neighborhood Resilience.

Lia Twigg interviews her long-time friend Lindsay Magid about her life Ann Arbor after the success of the A2 Climate Action Plan in 2030. They speak about how the transformation to a sustainable, zero emissions lifestyle began, along with the...