La historia de Ahmed Rodríguez, un refugiado cubano que vive su sueño americano.

Esta es la historia de mi amigo de once años Ahmed Rodríguez. Ahmed nos cuenta sobre su cultura y todas dificultades que vivió en Cuba. Finalmente llega a los Estados Unidos como refugiado después de años y varios intentos fallidos...

Carla Gonzalez entrevistando a su madre Gabriela Ayala Gonzalez sobre su origen, proceso de inmigración, adaptación, opiniones y más.

Carla Gonzalez (21) entrevista a su madre, Gabriela Ayala Gonzalez (44), sobre varios temas en donde le hace preguntas sobre su origen, proceso de inmigración, adaptación a los Estados Unidos, opiniones sobre los inmigrantes y su relación con país de...

The Great Thanksgiving Day Listen with Lala and Ari

Ariana Ramos (14) talks to her grandmother, Naomi Ramos (77) about her childhood. They also talk about how she wants to be remembered, and about the life that she has lived and continues to live.

Marck Ortega and Jorge Ortega

Marck Ortega: 2020-12-21 21:16:2 I(14) interview my father(49) about his experience in 2020 and his thoughts on it. IN SPANISH

The Heart of a Grandma: “Being Alone depresses me a lot” SPANISH interview

Honoring my “abuela” by allowing her to tell her story and share about her difficult childhood. She expresses her love for her children and grandchildren and her hope for them. In May 2013, her husband and our grandfather passed away...

Lumila talks about how COVID-19 is affecting her and her business.

Lou talks about how all of this is affecting her and her business. She owns a vintage online store and does everything by herself, she doesn't have employees. She used to use Instagram to promote her clothes and did vintage...

COVID-19 Lumila

Lou talks about how all of this is affecting her and her business. She owns a vintage online store and does everything by herself, she doesn't have employees. She used to use Instagram to promote her clothes and did vintage...