"I wanted to see the world:" Sailor, History Buff Paulist Father Marcos Zamora

Paulist Father Marcos Zamora joined the U.S. Navy to see the world. In many ways, he'd already experienced a lot of world culture--he grew up in a multiethnic community in Chicago and he'd studied ancient cultures en route to becoming...

Life Lessons with Chan pt.2

We talked about what accomplishments made Chandler feel proudest personally and professionally. Setting goals for one’s lifetime, the next five years, and the next sixty days is what really helped Chan manifest and accomplish his dreams. He gave me advice...

“The ultimate meaning:” A Classics Publisher

It's a go-to book series, an encyclopedia of Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and Islamic thinkers: Paulist Press' "Classics of Western Spirituality." And it was started under the leadership of Paulist Fr. Kevin Lynch. In this interview, Fr. Kevin, age 93, talks...