Lessons in growing up young, becoming self-reliant and love during loss with Merrill Leslie and Jeff Maudlin

Merrill Leslie (82) shares stories with her oldest son Jeff Maudlin (66) on surviving a crazy childhood, becoming self-reliant at an early age and the lessons of dignity and love in death with the passing of a child, parent and...

Andrew Burdick interviews Dave West #4 (20200808) Young Adulthood – Mentors, Growth, and Early Jobs

Andrew Burdick and Dave West in their fourth Storycorps Connect interview. We start by talking about influential teachers and what they meant in Dave's life. Then we continue to cover Dave's various apprentice roles as well as what he studied...

Interview with Zach Wolff

I asked Zach about his past and asked him how he reflects on his students.

Mom and daughter talk

Daughter asks questions to her mom about her past life and what her expectations are for her daughter