Noah and Priscilla – 4/30/24

Friends Noah (26) and Priscilla (21) talk about school, journalism, family and traveling the world.

StoryCorp Senior Project

Avah and Laecia dig in deeper about Laecia’s life

Interview with April Oppliger

Mom April Oppliger (45) and daughter Sophie Oppliger (14) discuss April's memories of Sophie and her dreams for her.

The Tale of my Wife’s Childhood

My wife discusses her childhood with her brothers and family

Leia Lin Story Corps Activity

Leia Lin and her mother, Monica Lin discuss her mothers childhood and life leading up to where she is now

history interview

Micheal Han (57) talks about his childhood and his immigration from South Korea to the United States of America.

storycorp assignment

in this interview, Chrishady Rene (son,19) discussed with Emmanuel Rene (father, 50) the social dilemmas that are happening. struggles such as gun violence and a lack of respect from teenagers were brought up. Emmanuel Rene also talked about his childhood...

Interview with Casey Speltz

Son Aidan and mom Casey go over a little about the mom’s childhood, present, and future.

Recording – 04-04-2024 10:18:08

In this interview Reese Martin(17) and Marissa Reck(18), talked with Walt South(68). We discussed Walt’s home life around the 60’s, including where he went to school, what activities he did in and out of school, and information about his family....


Melanie interviews her Spanish Mr. Rodriguez and they mostly discussed about his childhood.

Interviewing my father

My dad Hugo Orozco(49) told me about his childhood growing up and the difficulties he had to face to get to the point in life that he is at and the people who he looked up to and supported him...


Britzy interview Cousin David They talked about how their childhood was and how it was growing up.

Claire LeBlond and Geoffrey LeBlond

Father and child Geoffrey LeBlond (68) and Claire LeBlond (26) discuss Geoffrey's childhood, parents and inspiration for his life choices.

Olivia Kauffman's Interview with Bob Kauffman (High School Baseball)

Olivia Kauffman (22) talks with her Dad, Bob Kauffman (59) about his experiences playing baseball in highschool and younger and how that effected his personal relationships.

Olivia Kauffman’s Interview with John Day (College Baseball)

Olivia Kauffman (22) talks with her friend, John Day (23) about his experience playing college baseball at Bradley University and its effects on his relationships. (Visual did not compute on Johns end due to technical difficulties, but the audio is...