My Dad

We talked about who my father is and the things and people in his life that are significant to him.

Jessie East and Mary Alexander

Mary Alexander [no age given] talks with her daughter, Jessie East (45), about her passion for music and how love of family and home has inspired her first album.

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Ryan’s Interview With Aunt Stephanie
November 24, 2017 App Interview

Ryan interviewed his aunt, Aunt Stephanie. They talked about her life growing up, and what she learned from it.

Nat’s Memorial Interview

This audio is about my great aunt Nat. Her daughter answers questions about her life.

Celia Flores and Cristina Flores

Cristina, 30, speaks to mother, Celia, 59, about the dath of nephew, David, 22 years ago and the impact it had on their family. Cristina, 30 años, habla con su mama, Celia, 59 años, sobre la muerte de su sobrina,...


How death is viewed in different cultures. How perception of death changes.

My Godmother,Stephanie.

I interviewed my Godmother who has raised me and cared for me since I was born. We also talked about our family traditions and history.

Ryan Capone’s Funeral Expirirence

It’s a brief and short interview on Ryan’s experience with death in funerals while growing up in a traditional Roman Catholic Itlaian home.