story corps project

Mathew Edwards close friends of Hagin James seeks insight of his love of theater. why he keeps on going and what lessons has he gained from theater.

COVID-19 and how it has effected a lot of people's lives.

Kyle Mackey talks to his Grandpa about the pandemic known as COVID-19 and how it has affected his life. Kyle and his Grandpa also talk about how his grandpa feels about the rules and restrictions this pandemic comes with. They...

Creative Studies Intetview- Mom

An interview with my mom but in spanish.

Mom interview

My mother’s life was very good and she has a very big impact on the people around her.

Thanksgiving Interview

I had this lovely 12 minutes with my mom and we got to talk about thanksgiving and deep life and her life.

English interview

This is abby wyckhouse being interviewed by alexa yonikus on 9/30/2019.

Sean Park Interview

Sihee Park and her son Sean Park bond and talk about her past. Sihee Park Comes to the U.S. with her husband expecting nothing. Many hardships were thrown in their way such as language and culture but still made it...

Cis Sherwood – the early years

Cis’ life as a child from birth through elementary school, plus some family history.

Thanksgiving interview

We talked about what her childhood was like.

A memory of my mom’ childhood

My mom' s memory when she was a primary school student

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Work, childhood, and a perspective on life

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my grandmother to reflect on important stages in her life.

Una aventura de mi vida

This is the story of my mom and what her childhood was like and how she came to the us and what she went through in her childhood to adult hood. It’s tells the life story of a immigrant from...

Interview with my Nana

i interviewed my nana who is 73 and we had a conversation about her husband (my papa) and her early childhood.