Ethan and Naazneen discuss preparing for the climate emergency.

Ethan and I discussed a wide range of topics in this interview, including the effects of the climate crisis and how fostering community can help combat the emotional burden of an uncertain future. Further, we discussed how to foster positivity...

Christina and Mel discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Christina Merrill, my classmate in ENV360 at the University of Michigan, and I take some time out of our day to discuss the climate crisis and resource descent. We get to hear Christina's views on the issues, what she knows...

Aushmita Akbar and Chloe Minieri discuss preparing for the climate emergency.

During this interview, we discuss the emotional and stress-inducing impacts of climate change. We then transitioned the conversation to talking through ways to cope and how to relieve oneself from the anxiety surrounding climate change.

Emily Jinerson and Charlotte Weisman discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Emily Jinerson and Charlotte Weisman discuss how we can use mindfulness techniques, coping, and attention restoration to help us prepare for the climate crisis and resource descent.

A conversation about the effects of the Climate Crisis

In this interview, Seth discusses the many different effects that the climate change crisis can have on different individuals and neighborhoods. He talks about the different methods of coping and dealing with a climate crisis.

Victor Hernandez and Jiahang Mao discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 20, 2021 App Interview

In this episode, Victor and Jiahang talked about climate crisis and energy decent influence on people's mental health and how to cope with the attention fatigue & stress come with it.

Story corp interview

We talked about mr. sheians live changes and the people that impacted his live

Anjali & Erika discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Anjali and Erika take a dive into the emotional aspects of the climate crisis. They discuss emotional challenges that are present during this time as well as different forms of coping. Practicing yoga and taking walks are just the beginning.

Interview with Jenny Garver

In this interview we talked about what life is like outside of the United states and how she overcame many changes in life.

Hannah and Miriam discuss coping with the climate crisis and resource descent

We discuss how climate change and resource descent can affect our negatively stress and attention fatigue. As well as ways to cope individually and as a community through natural settings and conservation efforts.

Victoria and August discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 19, 2021 App Interview

Victoria and I take a shallow dive into the climate crisis and what can be done to stay healthy and positive during these changing times.

Anjali and Zoey discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

We discussed mental issues connected to the climate crisis, mainly climate anxiety. We also discussed coping mechanisms including finding a sense of community and spending time in nature.

Sarah and Tianyi discussing preparing for climate emergency

We covered emotional challenge faced associated with climate crisis/resource descent and discussed neighborhood elements as well as coping techniques to deal with that.

Jack Guirey and Liana Jang discuss coping with the climate crisis

Jack Guirey interviews Liana Jang about coping with the climate crisis. They discuss what the impending climate emergency means to them personally and how they navigate the stress and eco-anxiety that comes with it.

Kim and Yuer discuss how to prepare for emotional challenges under Climate Change

Yuer interviewed Kim about how we experience emotional challenges due to climate change and how to cope with them. We also discuss the importance of some useful strategies to restore our mental health.

Megan and Tobin discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Megan interviews Tobin about the stress and emotional challenges associated with the climate crisis. We also discuss some helpful individual and community coping techniques.

Maisy and Erin discuss preparing for the climate emergency.

Maisy Rohrer sits down with Erin Gallay of the University of Michigan to discuss how climate change may impact people's mental health. We talk about the particular challenges children face as they learn about climate change and how they can...

KT Meono and Sam Folco discuss preparing for the climate emergency

KT and I discussed a lot of diverse info surrounding climate crisis in todays society. A big point in this interview was surrounded about how KT personally fights the stress that comes from the climate crisis, and any suggestions she...

Naazneen Gill and Andrew Colón discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Naazneen and Andrew discuss how to cope with climate change and resource descent, how it may be fatiguing our directed attention, and neighborhood level elements to aid us in this crisis.

Benjamin Long and Ryan Toomey discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Benjamin and Ryan, as students in ENV 360, discussed how the climate crisis currently, in 2021, has had an effect on the well-being of citizens, specifically causing directed attention fatigue. They discuss coping strategies that help restore this fatigue and...