Lexi not answering my questions for 15 minutes straight

We started talking about who influences Lexi to her most embarrassing moments in high school with some journalism talk in the middle.

Investigate: Dad and the world of Private Investigation and Journalism

Lydia Anderson interviews her father Kelvyn Anderson about his experience in Private Investigation and Journalism.

Hurricane Katrina Survivor to Slam Poet

Hill talked about her childhood and how she got into storytelling throughout her life.

Academic Memoir- Parker Boike interviewing Charley Baun

We spoke about the childhood realization that writing can be used as a creative release

Where do plays come from?

Ruben Bowen talks with his mentor/coach, Ashley Boone about her experience in writing throughout her life, and more specifically about the One-Act play she wrote and directed.

“No Sorrys – Iain”
September 10, 2020 App Interview

Thinking about the one piece of advice that made me a better writer and performer.

My Daughter and I

I sat down and interviewed my daughter about family connections and writing.

Interview with Marianne and River Morgan

River Morgan asks his mom about her life as a journalist and a few other profound questions.

Ralph Crosby, A Life of Writing

A granddaughter interviews her grandfather about his lifelong love of writing.

PoynterHSJP18 Podcast

This interview is about Thomson Draper, an aspiring journalist, and his life.

Why I Write

Why my friend likes to write and wants to become an author.

Johnny Hincapie shares his story with Caits Meissner about the media’s role in convicting him, and helping to free him 25 years later.

Johnny Hincapie, a formerly incarcerated and wrongfully convicted advocate, discusses the media's role in both convicting him, and 25 years later helping to free him— and the urgent need for journalistic integrity in conversation with PEN America's Prison and Justice...


I talked to my Mom about her life growing up, her work, parenthood and the struggles within.

Wilma Kahn

Interview with Wilma about her life and memories

Sheila Elliott and Larry "Bud" Meyer

[Recorded: October 21, 2022] Sheila (64) and Larry (68) have a One Small Step conversation. Sheila, an alumna of VCU's School of Pharmacy, describes herself as having a lifelong passion for issues surrounding racial justice and engaging in other forms...

Cristina Amador and Olivia Paschal

[Recorded on October 26, 2021] Cristina Amador ('24) and Olivia Paschal (PhD '26) share their experiences growing up in open-minded Christian households, the decisions that led them both to the University of Virginia, and their disapproval of partisan labels.

Pursuing Creativity

An interview between a mother and her daughter about finding creative inspiration and pursuing a career in art.