Joann Staats Nelson with Dorothy Nelson Zerbe

We talked about many aspects of Joann’s life growing up, college education, work, marriage, raising children, aging well and faith.

Practice Interview

Just practicing for the big day by interviewing my pal Jayden


She told me stories of her parents and my parents.

Interview with a friend

You never truly know a person, unless you talk to them. It is always great to get a better understanding of someone through conversation.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen: Grandaddy (Jack Swarthout)

Grandaddy (Jack Swarthout) and I spoke about his experiences throughout his life and how each one has impacted his views and perspectives.

Exclusive inclusion

Ted discusses his views on organized religion, in particular Christianity, and his experiences with devout members of his family. He further explains how he uses his rational thinking to abide by his own moral code.

High school interview

A great interview with Alex, hope Mr Holloway is aware of how greatly he is appreciated

December 8, 2020 App Interview

Life’s goals and hard work pays off

Honors American Studies; Lizzy Calderon

Lizzy Calderon was the interviewer and I interviewed my mother Elena Calderon. My mom had moved to America when she was 19 and has lived here ever since. We had discussed every part of her move and all the adjustments...

My Uncles Story of How He Overcame Drug Abuse

in this interview I briefly went over the story of my uncles journey through drug abuse. I asked him questions such as how he believes this shaped him as a person and how he got through it.

November 28, 2022 App Interview

In this interview Paul and Jerry fall into a deep conversation where Paul asks Jerry some interesting questions and Jerry tells him some of his experiences in China and in the United States.

ap gov extra credit

For this interview i interviewed my dad. I asked my dad seven different questions, the first question was about his childhood and growing up he told me about how he grew up in Ohio and about how he was the...

Inflammatroy breast cancer and How many roads must we walk before the one that leads us home
February 9, 2022 App Interview

A delve into the past of life's journeys that are put before us and how they affect us what we do with them and when time comes to leave this earth what we did about it if anything and how...


Valeria Torres talks about her arrival in the United States and about the expectations and stereotypes of Hispanic people