
Me and Catherine talked about her neighborhood as she walks he dog. Sharing her stress and worry and being wrapped in a familiar and comfortable environment

Aunt Cherry (sibling #12)

My Aunt Cherry is the 12th of my Grandma Classy's children. We talked for a bit about the coronavirus, the ways she is keeping up with there grandchildren and how her church has handled the transition. My favorite part of...

Curse of Generational Trauma

This interview is between me, Emma, and my mom’s friend, Trish, speaking about Trish’s life with her daughter, Cassie, struggling with addiction. The topic of generational trauma is relevant. (interrupted by time limit)

Pandemic interview #3.

This is an interview about how my mom feels about being in quarantine and what has changed.

COVID-19 interview

I interviewed Jennifer Garcia to see how she has been doing through these hard times and what she thinks about our worldwide pandemic.

What it’s like ~Kallie

Kallie talked about her room and the ways it makes her remember past people, emotions and feel pain. She talked about how she gets pain in her room when emotions flood her head yet there are the things in her...

Completed interview by Taylor Boeggeman

This is about the coronavirus pandemic. It is about my grandfathers story

Quarantine with Grandma Cac

We will be talking about what Catherine Harrignton thinks about the corona virus and quarantine. She looks at how the quarantine affects herself and others. She shares her views on what is going on around the world right now.

Corona Virus Questions with Miranda Peña

I interviewed my cousin, and asked her questions based on the how this virus is affecting her.

Coronavirus Interview- Evelyn Rocha

Questions about the coronavirus to a family member

Life as a teen during COVID19

As students in highschool, our lives have been dramatically affected by the corona virus, but we have adapted and found a new sense of normalcy.

Coronavirus impacts 5/23/20

Among the topics discussed were how daily life is like, how technology is utilized in a pandemic and how social relationships are like.

Coronavirus Discussion With my Dad

In this interview we discussed the coronavirus. We went over the effects, and wats it could have been stopped.

COVID-19 Experience

We talked about how the virus has affected daily life and some things that are going to be remembered from this experience. We also touched on other activities that are available to do currently.