aunt & niece
November 24, 2022 App Interview

memory questions

Mother talks to son about growing up in Meridian, Mississippi

Lea McCracken talks about the best memories in her life growing up in Meridian, Mississippi. Talking about everything from the happiest moments to the biggest regrets of her childhood.

Grandma’s interview

We talk about her past and memories

Thanksgiving interview

We talked about her childhood and fond memories that she has had in her life.

interview with hailey

this interview was about asking simple questions about hailey and what she thinks will happen if her future and what will happen in her past.

My birth

The day I was born and the details surrounding the day

I would have to go with you to your parents to come and visit and do a couple stuff

Kelsita sits down with Princess Diana in an unventilated space within an art gallery to explore memory, prompted by preselected discussion questions.

Ruby Arcos De La Cruz gets to know Rafael’s life experience

Ruby Arcos interviews her older brother named Rafael Arcos who is 23 years old and listens to what he had experienced when growing up. It allowed Ruby to get to know Rafael even more. This interview made these siblings bond...

Interview pt.1

We talk about past life events and exchange opinions on them, reciting those that had big influence on us, sharing memories, and talking about the unexpectedness in life. The interview encountered bugs, so it had to be recorded and split...

APUSH Final Project 2

Interview with my grandmother, Carole Kotkin

Greatest Memories with Mom

Interview with my mom about her greatest memories with family members

About my host family’s mom.

We talk about so many thing about her personal life, memories, opinions and how she learned cooking so well.

Johansen Storycorps US interview

Interview of my mom talking about her past. And how some people have affected her life.

Emry Lopez and Misty Dahlin talk about life and the joys in it

Emry Lopez (16) and his mom, Misty Dahlin (42) talk about happy and sad moments in life. They also discuss important and lessons and memories from past generations. The events take place in Tucson, Arizona as well as some other...

12 Q’s with Maha

We discussed some of Maha's memories of her family along with her hopes and aspirations for herself and others.

story of grandpa

very informational about her life and mine and my grandfather I never got to meet.

Intetview with Josh M

Interviewing my boyfriend of 15 months on thanksgiving eve

Interview – My Mother’s Story

Talking about some of her struggles and happinesses in her life.

Brandon Smith interviews grandmother, Elizabeth Smith.

Brandon and his Grandmother, Betsy, discuss happy moments, past relationships, life advice, and attempt to pin down the complicated persona of Betsy Smith.

interview with a community member
July 26, 2022 App Interview

interview with grandpa who was a previous restaurant owner in miami