Frizell, Jake(peer interview 11/27/23

Jake and Isaac discus’s high school life. They discuss the problems and difficulties of being a high schooler in the generation. They discuss their personal life as well as school life.

Drew Tyson jr. interviewed Drew Tyson Sr.

I asked Drew Tyson Senior about his work and how his work has a white effect it has on him and what was his dream job when he was little

Waldman, Ryan(peer interview 11/20/23)

This interview is with Ryan Waldman, a classmate of mine and we are talking about his influencers and role models in his life. He is really close with his dad, he has 4 pets that are dogs and he likes...

interviewing (6th hour)

in this interview, we go over middle school and elementary school years and how they shaped them as a person especially their future.