“Moving to DC was one of the best decisions of my life. You make one decision in your life; and that was mine.”

Jessica’s grandmother reflected on her life and how one decision of going to D.C. affected the rest of Diane and Jessica’s lives.

Marvin Meese: Digging a Little Deeper.

Today I, Baylee Richardson, met with Marvin Meese, my mothers boyfriend, to go find out a little more about his life and what he values.


I talked with my Nana about her childhood in San Francisco. We spoke about her jobs, education, and how she met my Papa.

Grandpa Talks Family with Granddaughter

I talk with my grandpa about my parents, his childhood, and his travels around the world. Start listening at 36:00 to hear about my grandpa's goals and his advice for me in life. Start listening at 12:50 to 13:35 to...

My Interview with Grandma

We talked about family heritage and what her life was like when she was younger.

My interview with PB

This was a fun interview with my grandpa.

Mr. Peters

In this interview I was talked by to John Peters who is a chemistry teacher at putnam high school. I asked Mr. Peters many questions about his past life and what he wants for his life for the future.