Getting to know my father more.

In “Getting to know my father more” The participant, Danilo Joson, is asked questions such as memories of his past. Things that won’t be very obvious when you meet him, unless you ask. He talks a little about how he...


Another funny story

Cousin to Cousin

My cousin Illyana wanted to get an interview with me, so we decided to have a nice talk.

Brothers in a distant land (Part 2)

Two men share a love that grew thousands of miles from where they were born as brothers. There’s was grown out of a sense of responsibility, purpose and perseverance.

Brothers in a distant land (Part 1)

Two men share a love that grew thousands of miles from where they were born as brothers. There’s was grown out of a sense of responsibility, purpose and perseverance.

Thanksgiving with Oliver

Oliver Zagorin is a teacher for students with special needs. He is dating my sister (Adriana Mantilla) and she can be heard in the background. Oliver is the main focus of the interview.