Interview With My Mother
November 27, 2017 App Interview

I interview my mother’s life in the Philippines, religion, family, and the transition from there to here.

Interview with dad

Me and my dad talked a lot about growing up and different decisions he made along the way. He talks about his regrets and his proudest moments. We talked about different wishes and hopes he has for me as I...

Thanksgiving interview with Mom

Today we talked about life lessons and what we value most in life. We took it back to my moms childhood and came full circle to today and how she would like to be remembered.

“Life is about going forward into the future, not looking back into the past.”

Beyanka Vong, born in Vietnam, talks about the struggles she had faced throughout her childhood and her many different experiences. She constantly traveled around at a young age due to her parents' divorce and eventually led to her journey with...