The Story of My Grandpa

When and where he was born and what most of his childhood was like. I asked about his time he served in the military and all the jobs he had worked.

Me and my mom

We talked about her childhood and memories and how she went though life

Interviewing My Mom : Laura Gordon

Even though I’m close to my mom, we never really talked about her past, regrets, etc. So, today I decided to change that asked her about her childhood, her hopes, her life.

An interview with my Grandad 2018 West Geauge

We talked about different things that had happened in his life. And things I always wanted to know.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen- Sharon Landers

We talked about Sharons life as a child, where she grew up, and who her role models were. We also discussed where she believed our ancestors came from.

Super puppy and the amazing interview

An interview with Dolores and Oscar. For the time ever publicly announcing super puppy!

Memories of the Berea College Candy Kitchen and Bakery

My parents talk about their memories of working at and enjoying the products of the Berea College Bakery and Candy Kitchen

Wilson Lohrer’s Wise Words

A quick interview on Wilson Lohrer to get a look into his life now, in the past, and in the future. Gives a glimpse on his thoughts and feelings to get to know him better