Gramper Larson

Granddaughter interviews her grandfather about his life, growing up in the Midwest, getting married, raising a family and the things that are important in life.

Thanksgiving with Grandma Flora

This is an interview with my grandmother, on my mom's side of the family. Flora Cruz is a mother of seven children, now all grown with their own families. Every year the whole family tries to get together on special...

Interview of Ronald Adiel Lamb

I interviewed my grandpa in light of turning 80 about some of his history. He talks about his time in the military, his travels, and meeting my grandmother. (Note: There are discussions of race and racial tensions in 1965.)

David Tilson

David Tilson, a 92-year old World War 2 veteran, reminisces about his 43 months of service in England, and in the Philippines on a tugboat four days before the first atomic blast.

Big Joe, Little Joe

An interview with Joseph A Vigil about his life. Interviewer is his great grandson Joseph A Vigil V.