YCE Michael Green
September 15, 2019 App Interview

I talked with Michael about his experience so far in the YCE Kennesaw program. I asked about how he’s handling it, favorite moments, and anything else pertaining to the experience.

50 Years of Love and Stonewall

Bobby Soletto recounts his experience as a go go dancer at the Stonewall Inn on June 28th 1969 and 50 years of life with his husband.

Memories with Grandma Rachel

Grandma shares some stories from her childhood with 12 siblings, time at an orphanage, birth of her children, and memories of her granddaughter.

Michael and Jack

Michael Caraballo and Jack Vance discuss things from stress from school to coming out to their family and friends.

Mackenzie Harrison Interview

We talked about my parents relationship and some important details of their relationship.

Grandad’s 99th Birthday

We talked about Grandad’s 72 year marriage, his experiences during WW2, and life in small town Georgia.

Oh Captain, My Captain

Harry Stanbridge, a retired Navy Captain, talks about the role of the military, how politics affect the military, and the attitudes of the enlisted.