Cole Lehmann and Cole O'Connell

Cole Lehmann: 2021-11-13 04:21:55. Cole Lehmann (21) talks with his roommate and teammate, Cole O'Connell (22) about his high school hockey career and how that led him to Concordia College in Moorhead.

Carly Haines and Bailey Stahl- Dramatic Arts

Bailey Stahl, an actress, talks about her experiences throughout her life on stage and how it has impacted her.

Interview with Erin Warner

Jake Warner interviewed Erin Warner about when she went back to college after taking many years off. And what it was like and the challenges

The Effect of Growing Up with a Sick Parent

Gabe Thompson interviewing Judy Thompson on the effect of growing up with a sick parent. Interview for IWC 100 under W. Scott Olsen at Concordia College - Moorhead, Minnesota.

Growing up speaking a different language

Brooke Kangas (18) talks with her grandmother, Grace Kangas (75) about her childhood growing up speaking Finish and how it has affected her life today.

"Nolan Morical and Lessons in Sports with Steffen Morical."

In the interview, Steffen reflects on how sports have made an impact on him. He also talks about the lessons he learned through sports that can be applied to life.