Mother and Son

an interview from a son to mother about her cuban childhood and life

SPAN 277 Community Interview with Leidiana Delgado

I interviewed college student Leidiana Delgado about her Cuban heritage, her community, and her experience during COVID-19.

Believing in Yourself in a World That Didn’t

Claudia Sherman interviews her mother, Dr. Leticia Toledo Sherman about her life as an immigrant and how she never doubted her ability to succeed in her field of chemistry.

New immigration Mom interview

We spoke about my moms upbringing and experience immigrating from Cuba to America.

Early Life (Pre-Castro)

My grandfather spoke of his life born in Camagüey and moving to havana and then his life going throughout up until Castro and my grandmother did about the same.

The American Dream

At the age of seven, Jesse Marino and his family came to America to seek asylum from communism in Cuba. On December 22nd in Toluca Lake, Mia Phillips sat down with her family friend, Jesse Marino(58 years old), to learn...

Mima (Grandma)

She spoke about her love for her husband, her grandchildren, and her experiences growing up in Cuba and then moving to Miami.