A Grandfather's Memory of WWII

I read an except from a book I gave my grandfather many years before he passed away to share memories of his life. This thought on World War II always brings tears to my eyes. He was such a strong...

The War Years

I interviewed Nani about the War Years, she talks about her birth in India as well as a few beautiful traveling stories. She touches on her faith and love for the coincidences which make us whole.

Thelma E. Robinson-Bloesing, age 101, as a young adult and running a trucking company in the 1940’s as a woman. (Part 2)

Thelma shared the story of her first marriage, the start of their trucking company, her divorce and eventual sale of her trucking company, her trip to California and the accident that resulted in the unexpected death of her father.

Bicycling down the Rhine 1954 with Ernest Huber

Ernest Huber, age 25 and his friend experience post world war 2 reconstruction by bicycle

Seymour “Sy” Reitman tells the story of his World War II experience in the battle of “The Bridge at Remagen", Germany.

In March of 1945 Remagen was the last bridge standing across the Rhine, all the others having been destroyed by German forces. A pivotal World War II event, the battle to protect the bridge from destruction by German forces allowed...