Exiting Times in a Small Town

“I climbed up the drive in movie theater with fireworks and smoke bombs, I set them off and me and my friends ran home as fast as we could.” This is one of the fun crazy stories that Michael Giacchino...

What movie stars did you meet?

My grandfather talks about his work experience and some of the most interesting places he has been too. He reminisces’ about good old times with family. He lists off some of the 32 Countries he has been too for business,...

The beliefs and life about my littler sister

My Interview is about the family and the life of my littler sister.

11/25/18 La homework

We talked about a lot but is was mostly about her home and school life. Accidentally said I was 13 when I’m 14

Get Lucky and Never Quit

Having a true appreciation for relaxation, Linda Pfeffer speaks with her grandson, Jake Joel, while sitting on the beach in Hawaii on Thanksgiving of 2017. Linda shares an abundance of stories, each with a golden lining, that resonates with Jake...