Interview with Mother about Past ad an Immigrant, Opinions and effects about the War on Terror

I interviewed my mother whom is an Immigrant from Japan to the US. I asked her about some topics on life and immigration in the US, and also about her opinions on the War on Terror

Expectations of Nigerian Immigrant Children

I, Oluebube Clara Onwudiwe, talk with Lois Duru about the expectations placed on Nigerian Immigrant Children. We discuss the stereotype that Nigerian Immigrant Children are very smart and self-sufficient and so do not need any help. Listen as we challenge...

Bill the veteran
December 15, 2023 App Interview

Bill is my 90 year old neighbor who is a veteran. He served in the U.S. army in the Korean War and lived very differently than how we do today. Bill shares his accomplishments, regrets, and life story in this...

An interview with Forest Zeng and his mother

This is an interview between Forest Zeng(17) and his mother Ning Ma(59). the topics discussed are mostly related to how life was like for Ning during her life.

My dad’s perspective of life

Yusra Hussain who is 16 made an interview video with 48 year old father, Arif Hussain. Yusra asks various questions about his experience moving country to country from Pakistan, Canada, and finally the United States. He also gives his opinion...

Recording – 11-26-2023 11:00:09

Ranya Shah(14) interviewed Meera Kansal(74) about life before and after her journey to America. We talk about academics, political involvement, adjusting to a new life and more.