Jenny Rask Interviews Father Gene Rask about growing up, his new life in Portland, Oregon. Interview 7.

Jenny Rask Interviews father Gene Rask about growing up in Butte, Montana and his family's move to Portland, Oregon to find new opportunity for their families. First impressions on their arrival to Portland, Oregon during WWII from Butte, Montana which...

Jenny Rask interviews father Gene Rask about his life. Living in Portland, Oregon and Butte, Montana.

Jenny Rask: 2020-12-09 02:07:14 Jenny Rask interviews father Gene Rask about his life. Living in Portland, Oregon and Butte, Montana. Our current stay at home order in California. Being quarantined for Scarlett Fever as a child in Butte, Montana. Fevers,...

Jenny Rask Interviews Gene Rask about his life. Growing up in Portland Oregon.

Jenny Rask: 2020-12-16 01:31:05 Jenny Rask Interviews Gene Rask about his life. Growing up in Portland Oregon. His mother Marguerite's hair cut and color preference. His sister Mary's birth. Her spunky personality and parent's pet. Gloria and Mary go to...