Francisco Moreno, WSA Founding Parent, on the ROOTS of The Waldorf School of Atlanta (for Waldorf 100). Recorded and edited on 12/11/18

A Waldorf School of Atlanta teacher (games/movement and woodworking) and WSA FOUNDING PARENT- Francisco Moreno – shares a bit of history, as well as some of the challenges, rewards and insights he has gained as a founding member of the...

Patrice shares her experience in and love of Waldorf education.

Interview with Patrice Maynard, a former Leader of Outreach and Development for the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. Patrice is the parent of Waldorf alumni, a former class teacher, and has served in many other capacities. She is...

"Everyone chooses [Waldorf] education for a different reason."

Naturopathic doctor Erica LePore, parent of three children who have attended Meadowbrook Waldorf School, describes what Waldorf education means to her children as they become young adults.

"I was didn't know what I was looking for…"

Tabitha Jorgenson - now parent of three Meadowbrook Waldorf School alumna, current board member, former admissions director and Latin teacher - describes her first encounter, "peaking in the windows" of Meadowbrook Waldorf School and the 20+ relationship that ensued: growing...

Stephen Bloomquist, founding teacher of The Waldorf School of Lexington. “We made many mistakes, but we were a dynamic and creative team.”

Stephen Bloomquist speaks about being a founding teacher of the Waldorf School of Lexington--the challenges and the joys, creating the festivals and the spiritual life, along with the organizational structures of the school. He speaks about the shared creative vision...

Interview with a Waldorf School of Princeton founding parent, Heide Ratliff.

Heide Ratliff, founding alumni parent and current educational support teacher at the Waldorf School of Princeton, describes her early involvement with the school and the pioneering spirit of the founding parents and faculty.

Conversation with Torin Finser

Something happened that went beyond in her support that came through her attentiveness... and her eagerness for us to do what she could not do... For me that's always stood as the motto for a Waldorf class teacher. To help...

Waldorf 100 with Richard H. Emmet and High Mowing School founder, Beulah Hepburn Emmet

A celebration of Waldorf 100 with Richard H. Emmet and a pre-recorded selection from 1963 showcasing High Mowing School's founder, Mrs. Beulah Hepburn Emmet