Hurricanes-charles sledge

It was about hurricanes and how she had one destroy her land all the way up to her house at the beach

“A man of my word”

Stick through to the things you say you’d do.

Polio and post polio syndrome.

Nancy Gosz was diagnosed with polio at age 4. Thirty-six years later she was diagnosed with post polio syndrome. She watched her mother go through this illness. This is her story.

life growing up

My dad Mitch Haroldson talks about his struggles growing up

The Beatles (Part 2)

I interviewed my great grandma about the 1960s and she started talking about The Beatles

The Beatles (Part 1)

I am interviewing my great grandma on the 60s and she started talking about the beatles.

Engaging communities in our shared history of segregation.

National Coalition on School Diversity #NCSD2017 participants share why we all need to learn about out history of segregation and its consequences.