Mia Sinks and Emily Jinerson discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Emily Jinerson interviews Mia Sinks concerning preparation for the climate emergency and how class material from environmental psychology 360 ties into this.

Charlotte and Mia discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Charlotte and Mia discuss the topics of attention fatigue, stress, neighborhood elements, and coping methods and how they relate to the climate crisis and resource descent. Charlotte reveals techniques she uses to cope with climate change anxiety and how she...

Colleen and Hao discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Hao interviewed Colleen about the climate crisis and resource descent experienced in recent years and ways of coping that can be used to deal with those issues.

Jordan Power and Maaike Wielenga discuss coping with the climate emergency

Jordan and I discuss how to cope with thr climate crisis and resource decent. We use personal experiences and what we've learned in Behavior and Environment to come up with coping strategies.

Kim and Yuer discuss how to prepare for emotional challenges under Climate Change

Yuer interviewed Kim about how we experience emotional challenges due to climate change and how to cope with them. We also discuss the importance of some useful strategies to restore our mental health.

Sophia Ribner and Seth Flynn discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Seth talks with his classmate Sophia about coping with the climate crisis on a micro-level. They also talk about neighborhood preparations that can be made.

Maaike and Kyla discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Maaike chats with Kyla about the personal impact the climate crisis has had on her life. She discusses strategies she has learned to cope with this anxiety-inducing topic and lessons she hopes to share with her family and community.

Victoria Cheung and Sipeng Zhang Discuss Coping with the Climate Crisis

Victoria Cheung and Sipeng Zhang, classmates in the University of Michigan's SEAS program, discuss the climate crisis and what coping techniques can help with this challenge.

William Lowry and Nicole Planken discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Nicole and I have a conversation regarding the climate crisis and resource descent. Drawing from both personal experience and class materials, Nicole shares her findings on how to keep calm and carry on.