“It was as if I never heard that before…”

Father Steve Petroff is a kind of survivor on the spiritual journey--a model for anyone who believes that if you work hard and stay close to God, doors that appeared closed will open. Just before his ordination as a Paulist...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Mitch

People of the Rio Grande Valley: Mitch. Artist Mitch Darte and I talk about the loss of her Mother and how it propelled her into her flourishing career in painting. Mitch was a high school art teacher, and after losing...

Emma Wonsil: #cradlecatholicprobs

Emma shares experiences, stories, and struggles surrounding her Catholic identity.

Stories of hope and wisdom from my father

Interviewing my father, Dr. Timothy Fuerst, about his life as a Catholic, husband, father, friend, and Economics professor. This beautiful man died, just under 2 months later, on February 21, 2017. We miss him dearly and love him always. With...