Zoe Curran and Anita Sullivan
December 14, 2023 OSS Hub

Anita Sullivan (75), sits down to talk with her One Small Step conversation partner Zoe Curran (24). The conversation touches on the political and cultural transformations that Jackson, Wyoming has undergone over the 40 years that Anita has lived there....

Angela Suerig and Mary Martin

Rae Suerig (53) and Mary Martin (70) sit down at the Teton County Library for a One Small Step Conversation. Mary is the chair of the local GOP and Rae is now a progressive. They find common ground in discussing...

Emma Leither and Antonia Walsh

Emma Leither (25) and Antonia "Toni" Walsh (24) have a One Small Step Conversation in Jackson, Wyoming. They find common ground amongst their political differences.

John Trudelle and Jo Ann Goldberg

Jo Ann Goldberg (82) and John Paul "JP" Trudelle (83) both residents of Sage Living Center, a nursing home located in Jackson Wyoming, sit down together for a One Small Step Conversation. They talk about politics, world history, and their...

Rick Gordon and Tom Segerstrom
September 20, 2023 OSS Hub

Tom Segerstrom (68) and Rick Gordon (63) sit down together for an in-person One Small Step conversation at the Teton County Library in Jackson, Wyoming.