Les & Susan Cooper

Les and his family had many narrow escapes from the Nazis during the war and they eventually managed to escape across the boarder to Austria from Hungary. They had to live in a camp for a few months before they...

Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Jitka Prokesova & Rori Harris-Killough

Jitka shares her story of getting her nursing degree in communist ruled Czechoslovakia in 1985 and defecting to the U.S. two years later. In the U.S. she couldn't work as a nurse but it was all she ever wanted to...

Kimberly Malinowski & Scott Acord

Kimberly worked as a pediatric nurse during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020, subsequently receiving an award as "a nursing hero of our time." She worked tirelessly to get PPE and scale up operations.