Cayce Kaufman and Leonard Gillard

Cayce shares with Leonard her experience working at Providence and watching how hard everyone was working to combat the pandemic only to find herself on the other side of the windshield when they came out to test her and her...

Chhayden Sorn and Hannah Lelis

Co-workers on the intake team for Providence share their experiences in their work and lives. There is comradery on the team and their manager, Natalia is a good leader making for a great work environment.

Marti & Scott

Shortly after Marti's daughter Julia was born she was diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti. It was affecting her central nervous system and the doctors didn't expect her to live more than a few years. Marti learned everything she could about this...

Betty Hockett and Steve Hockett

Steve Hockett and his mother Betty, age 90 who is on Providence hospice share family recollections of Betty's many missionary trips overseas to developing countries and the influence in her early life of reading and how being a prolific writer...

Jane Hopke & Scott Acord

Jane, a self-described pansexual with ADHD, grew up in an ultra conservative family with a professor for a father. An awkward child, unable to achieve perfection in school or meet her parents’ other unobtainable standards, Jane turned to food and...

Kim Fuda & Storey Squires

Kim has a storied history with The Mount. Her grandmother was a beloved resident at The Mount for 20 years and her father lived the last 7 months of his life there. She and her wife Tina are both volunteers...

Alexander Isaac Luna & Chabree Rogers

Friends and former Providence colleagues, Alex and Bree, have different views of the first time they met. They do both agree on the positive influence they have had on each other over the last 10 years.

Carol "Mitzi" Rossmann and Deanna Drake

A friend, family member, volunteer and employee of The Mount shares her story about how The Mount has shaped her to be the person she is today. She reflects on her deep commitment to The Mount mission and culture.