Bob Butzerin & Ann Martin

Bob, a charge nurse for long term care at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), share some of his memories from his 30+ years at The Mount. He says The Mount is about family and community. His wife is a...

Drechelle McCray & Violet Larry

Drechelle recounts the birth trauma she experienced with her first child. She was having some health issues, such as very high blood pressure, a sign of preeclampsia. She went on to having an emergency c-section and was hemorrhaging so bad...

Tracy Lee & Diamond Lee

Tracy Lee sat down with her daughter Diamond on her 50th birthday to share a story of her journey as a child growing up in poverty, forging a path in healthcare and passion for making a difference through inspiration.

Boyon Yun & Will Rogers

Boyon shares with Will what led her to a career as a nurse practitioner and now has her DNP, working during COVID and being overextended. Her work with the APC mentorship program at Providence.

Jitka Prokesova & Rori Harris-Killough

Jitka shares her story of getting her nursing degree in communist ruled Czechoslovakia in 1985 and defecting to the U.S. two years later. In the U.S. she couldn't work as a nurse but it was all she ever wanted to...

Rose Austria & Will Rogers

Rose talks about her nursing career as a case manager and winning a nurse of the year award. She shares heartbreaking stories about working with COVID patients, losing her mother during the pandemic.

Amber Myles & Will Rogers

Amber, who recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence Health, shares her nursing journey from working as a parole officer to psych nurse. How working with psych patents is both rewarding and challenging, staying safe, and what...