Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...

Pema Choden & Dan Hudson

Pema shared the story of her family's escape from Tibet and how they eventually came to live in the U.S. She also talked about her families relationship with the Dalia Lama.

Robert Luck and Jeff Cohen

Robert talks about meeting his wife, Ellen, in Hawaii where they both grew up. He also talks about what he has learned about himself to his marriage, being a father, being a social worker and now volunteer.

Claire and Peter Warton

A Bridge of Hope; Peter and Claire look back on their life together that began when Claire met Peter when she he was 6 and she 16 and how they reconnected 20 years later when Claire was a violist in...

Dolores Melchor and Crystal Tyni

Dolores and Crystal share what brought them to their current careers. Dolores shares why she became a C.N.A and talks about her transition from SNF to Home Health. Crystal shares why she became a nurse and her experience working for...