Jeffery Ward, MD and Cheryl Cline

Dr. Jeffery Ward reflects on his career as an oncologist and Hospice Medical Director with his colleague and friend, Chery Cline. Jeff then shares his journey after receiving a diagnosis of mucosal melanoma and now receiving hospice care as a...

Allan Komarek & Melody Fawcett

Allan is the recipient of the 2021 nursing Leadership Award and a conversation ensues that provides Allan an opportunity to share his story and view on leadership, philosophy, nursing career, and discrimination towards being gay.

Liz Farber and Justyna Raszewska

Liz, long time Providence caregiver reflects on her journey to become a social worker and how her spirituality has helped her serve hospice patients

Carrie Kilpatrick-White, Christi Crowley and Therese Lewandowski

Christi and Carrie share about some of the tender, joyful, healing moments of Camp Erin to provide a safe and loving place for children who have lost a loved one to be with other children and teens who are also...

Dr. Roland Summit & Chaplain Kevin Deegan

Chaplain Kevin Deegan was on service when Dr. Summits wife Jo was on hospice. He shares with Dr. Summit a private conversation he had with Jo. She was an artist and described her pain in colors and how most of...

Robert Luck and Jeff Cohen

Robert talks about meeting his wife, Ellen, in Hawaii where they both grew up. He also talks about what he has learned about himself to his marriage, being a father, being a social worker and now volunteer.

Carlos Alaniz & Gregg Vandekieft

Carlos' journey from working as an occupational therapist in a hospital to hospice care was an easy transition. As he began to look for work in hospice, Providence had decided to incorporate occupational therapy into hospice. Carlos shares some stories...

Terra Morgan and Julia Baker

Terra shares with colleague, Julia, how a series of doors kept opening and drawing her that led her to chaplaincy and hospice work. How she has found hospice work to be incredibly rewarding.

Nanci Friedmann & Scott Acord

Nanci speaks about her experience working at a retirement home for priests during COVID. She highlights the importance of building trusting relationships. the reciprocal nature of love, and importance of self-care.

Dr. Roland Summit & Dr. Glen Komatsu

Dr. Summit talks with his friend, Dr. Komatsu about his work as a psychiatrist and his late wife Jo and their shared love of repairing carousel horses. They also discuss how they met when Jo was on hospice with TrinityCare...

Peter Lucero & Dr. Doug Wilson

Peter shared with his doctor, Doug Wilson, a little bit about his life and childhood and a recent experience he had involving Dr. Wilson. Peter recently died and came back with CPR and it has had profound affect on his...

Robert Surface, Marcella Kubalsky, & Briana Chestnut

Robert is on hospice with the Providence Hospice LA County program for the unhoused. Robert spent most of his life living on the streets of the South Bay area of Southern California. He spoke with his intake nurse, Briana and...

Karen Bell and Rick Warren

Karen and Rick sit to discuss the early days of hospice care and how far it has come in the last 40 years.