Terry Tazioli and Molly Swain

Long time volunteer reflects on time spent with family at The Mount and the wonderful community that led him to coming back and giving back to The Mount 20 years later

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Storey Squires and Steve Heck

This 63 year old professional at a non-profit, long term care facility talks about the institutional and personal impact of Covid on staff and residents.

Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

Jim Farley & Eric Delgado

Jim and Eric met through the Walk A Mile program. Jim works as the Patient Registration SCDIC at Swedish Cherry Hill and Eric is CFO for our hospitals in the Seattle area. Through the program, Eric was better able to...

Susan Clark and Molly Swain

Former and current colleagues within the Providence Mount St Vincent foundation talk about what makes The Mount special. They talk about the importance of the mission continuing and the people, volunteers and residents who created a legacy.