Shawn Sorbom and Mary Sloper

Mary Sloper (78) talks to Shawn Sorbom (28) about going to boarding school at age 5 in Imperial Valley, Californiia, her Croatian mother, and her career as a nurse.

John-Paul Ramirez & Montserrat Archila

John-Paul and Montserrat about growing up in the U.S as members of the Latin-A, (LatinX, Hispanic, Latino) community, not fitting into a box and sometimes feeling ostracized by the Latin-A communities as well as they communities where they lived, worked...

Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle

Katie Hatfield, Natalia Calonzo, and Kim Entwistle talked about what led them to becomes nurses and what drew them to Providence. They also shared some of the most memorable stories of their nursing careers and what advice they had for...

Jaiya Peaks and Melody Fawcett

Jaiya shares with Melody about what brought her to Providence Marianwood, and to recreation therapy in general. She talks about her family and her own favorite activities.

Alex Mason & Ryan Berger

Alex shares with Ryan how when he went searching for a more meaningful job he stumbled on Providence's St. Joseph hospital, the place he was born. Alex talks about how rewarding his job is, working with the elderly and what...

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Greg Soumokil & Shane Bassett

Greg shares with Shane, his physical therapist, the events that led up to him getting an artificial heart and what life is like for him as he waits for a donor heart. Greg is one of only 28 people living...