Amber Moody & Kelly Corcoran

Amber, a palliative care nurse, and Kelly, Chief Mission Officer are the boots-on-the-ground team for a tele-palliative care team in rural Stevens County, Washington. Without the remote capabilities of the team, many patients seeking palliative care would need to travel...

Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...

Pema Choden & Dan Hudson

Pema shared the story of her family's escape from Tibet and how they eventually came to live in the U.S. She also talked about her families relationship with the Dalia Lama.

Miriam "Merry" Bauch & Katy Abelson

When the war broke out, Merry's father and brother were sent to concentrations camps where they were killed. She was sent to a separate camp from her mother, but managed to find one another later in Zakopane, Poland after the...

Jane Hopke & Scott Acord

Jane, a self-described pansexual with ADHD, grew up in an ultra conservative family with a professor for a father. An awkward child, unable to achieve perfection in school or meet her parents’ other unobtainable standards, Jane turned to food and...

Alexander Isaac Luna & Chabree Rogers

Friends and former Providence colleagues, Alex and Bree, have different views of the first time they met. They do both agree on the positive influence they have had on each other over the last 10 years.

Jennifer Justice & Kirsten Lavery

Jennifer shares her story with Kirsten of how through a series of unfortunate events she went from "supermom" to dealing with an opiate addiction and living on the streets. While on the streets she got pregnant with her third child....

Rose Austria & Will Rogers

Rose talks about her nursing career as a case manager and winning a nurse of the year award. She shares heartbreaking stories about working with COVID patients, losing her mother during the pandemic.

Rabbi Janet Madden & Scott Acord

Rabbi Janet Madden shares with Scott the significance of the high Holy-days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and what they mean to her. How an aptitude test at age 12 foretold of her becoming a Rabbi back when women...