Anita Rodriguez and Naomi Love

Anita Rodriguez (82) shares the stories of her life with her conversation partner Naomi Love (27), reflecting on age, art, and her activism. Anita also speaks about the dynamics of race, racism, and culture, particularly through the lens of growing...

Georgia Carney and Josefina Calzada-Garza

Friends and coworkers Josefina Calzada (64) and Georgia Carney (61) remember the first time they met and what led them to work together at SewGreen. They talk about their creative path and the different ways in which they are engaging...

Preciliana Sandoval and Erin Dickey

Preciliana Sandoval (53) talks to SC Facilitator, Erin Dickey (25), about how she became an artist, how her knowledge of history drew her to open a walking tour business of Mesilla, and about how she is an “unusual” grandma to...