Where Towers Once Stood

Two beautiful buildings that seemed impossible to be taken down collapsed on September 11, 2001. Aden Strong interviewed his father, Craig Strong, on January 9, 2019 in Los Angeles California. 9/11 was the day two planes were hijacked in New...

Ethan Jensen interviews David Jensen about his childhood, work and events of his life.

David Jensen discusses how growing up on Long Island and other events in his life have shaped him. He then talks about his careers as a firefighter and nurse, the lessons these jobs taught him and his hopes for the...

Highschool Life in Present Time

An quick interview with my school friend on their views and opinions on school

Historian Interview

Margaret Brown was born June 15th, 1933 in Portland, Indiana. Margaret spoke on major events that occured in her life, memories, her accomplishments, and wisdom to future generations. Recorded February 18th, 2020.

Life in Quarantine: Aniceto Andres Solares Part 1

After living through a pandemic since March 2020, five people share their unique experiences and how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected their lifestyle, mental health, physical health, views, etc. Recorded August 16, 2020

9/11 Interview

I decided to ask my mom about 9/11 after doing a History Project in her family

9/11 Interview

This is an interview about September 11th with my mom who was two blocks away from the World Trade Center.

Living Human Project

This interview was with my mother discussing 9/11 and its horror.

Marck Ortega and Jorge Ortega

Marck Ortega: 2020-12-21 21:16:2 I(14) interview my father(49) about his experience in 2020 and his thoughts on it. IN SPANISH

September 11th Interview

This is a interview of my parents about their experience during 9/11/01. My father was a police officer and my mother a student.

What he think about the Covid-19 pandemic

The participant is my husband. His name is R.Ishmael and he is 29 years old. We discuss his perspective about the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected him socially in addition to his view whether the pandemic is a factor...

COVID-19 Lumila

Lou talks about how all of this is affecting her and her business. She owns a vintage online store and does everything by herself, she doesn't have employees. She used to use Instagram to promote her clothes and did vintage...

9/11 Experience

Interview of my mom, Jennifer Maestri, with her experience of 9/11.