Melody Chapin and Pauline Katz

Pauline Katz (25) interviews Melody Chapin (25) about growing up poor, moving to a new community, recognizing racial and experiencing social interactions and demographic change as a result of neighborhood gentrification, and grappling with the fear of a loss of...

Bob Pearson and Carlos Rodriguez

[Recorded: Friday, November 19th, 2021] Bob Pearson (70) and Carlos Rodriguez (20) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, VA. Bob is an Air Force veteran and Carlos is a second-year student at UVA. Bob grew up in a...

Sam Schoenfeld and Edward Clithero

One Small Step conversation partners Edward "Ed" Clithero (56) and Sam Schoenfeld (73) discuss their families, upbringings, and free speech.

history extra credit interview

we talked about how our family’s traditions

60s Interview with Jerry Ludlow and Beverly Sue Richards

Interview with our grandparents about their live’s in the 1960s. About their time in college, their thoughts about the draft, and their recollections of the Vietnam War.

LHP Interview on the 1960s

Interview with my grandma on the 1960s for my US history class.

"Well I wasn't rich, I wasn't beautiful, and my husband is…not quite on the handsome side but he was okay."

My grandmother Florence, known to us as Fuffie, talks about her life from childhood up until now, from her happiest moments to her biggest regrets.

1960s interview

Interview of my grandpa, who was in the army during the Vietnam war.

Alicia Murie and Roberta Pescow

One Small Step conversation partners Alicia Murie (40) and Roberta Pescow (62) have a conversation about their backgrounds, faith, values, and desire to make the world more compassionate. They find common ground in prioritizing family and helping others despite their...

Laura Rathman

This interview is about the opinions of Counterculture and Elvis Presley from Louise Kulp

Vietnam War Interview Project

Terry Smith was born right before the Vietnam war. He lived through it as a student and he went on to teach it year after year in his high school American history teacher. In this interview you will be provided...

Interview with “Saba” Goldlust

An evening conversation about a loving grandfather with his son (and grandson) about growing up in New York City

Ava St. John interviewing Terry and Bonnie Nelson

Ava St. John conducted an interview with her grandparents, Terry and Bonnie Nelson, using StoryCorps Connect app. Her grandparents were in their teenage years during the 1960s and shared their experience during this time period.

The Moon Landing of 1969

Interview about the Apollo landing on the moon featuring someone who experienced it in 1969.

Aunt Donna interview

My great Aunt Donna is blind. She is a strong women. When she was 11 she was diognosed with disbities. After that, she became blind. That through find bumps in her road, but she had my great uncle Rob and...

Remembering Grandma Starkey

This interview is centered around memories of a kind grandmother in Ohio and her affect on her granddaughter and future generations.

Evelyn Fisher and William Agress

One Small Step partners Evelyn Fisher (72) and William "Bill" Agress (75) discuss switching political "sides," alternatives to Biden and Trump, and their personal experiences with mental illness.